Camp of Angels 2024 Info Coming Soon
Camp 2020 - COVID Style
Camp 2020 - COVID Style
Camp of Angels 16 - 1 & 2
Guest Clinician - Rheagan Courville - LSU
Camp of
June 9-13, 2014
Camp of Angels II
June 16-20, 2014
Camp of Angels
June 24-28,2013
Thanks to our AWESOME STAFF!
National Coaching Staff - Texas - Deana Parrish
Hattiesburg - Level 10 Judge - Laurie Moore
Dawg House - Reg Shurden & Anne Marie Holley
LRP Studios - Lori Payne & Jamie
Shining Star - Tonya Duffey
Camp Director - Metry McGaughy
Elite II - Dawn Messer * Keiara McGaughy * David Calmes
Marilyn McClain * Carolyn Lewellen * Kelly Barnes
Tosha Armstrong * Kesha Metcalf * Addy Maxcy
Tabitha Pitts * Tabitha Wright
Award Winners
Emily Barrett - Coaches Award
Rae Payne - Outstanding Camper
Johnna Beavers - Most Improved
Meg Ross - Youngest Camper
Camp of Angels
June 12-16, 2012
Congratulations to our Award Winners!
Youngest Camper - Kiara Lavender
Most Improved - Lydia McKissick
Coaches Award - Briana Whitfield
Outstanding Camper - Rhiannon Page
Brian Amato from Florida was our guest clinician,
and he was absolutely AWESOME!!!
Brian is the Assistant Head Coach at
Brandy Johnson's Gym.
Former University of Alabama gymnast Jacqueline Shealy was also a welcome addition.
Guest coaches were Reg Shurden (ACPA),
Ashley Cumberland (ACPA), Addy Maxcy (former Elite
II Level 8), Erica Garner (former Elite II Level 9),
Tonya Duffey (Shining Star) and
Teri Jenkins (Shining Star). Thanks to all of you!
Metry McGaughy again did a fantastic
job as camp director.
And to the Elite II Coaches:
(Keiara McGaughy, Tabitha Wright, Tosha Armstrong, Marilyn McClain, Jessica Robbins & David Calmes)
We could NOT have done it without you!