The 2010-2011 Season was GREAT!!!
Elite II Team Placements
First Place - 46
Second Place - 14
Third Place - 10
Fourth Place - 8
Fifth+ Place - 2
All Around Gold - 102
All-Around Silver - 82
All-Around Bronze - 65
Event Titles Won - 386
State Titles Won -38
Team High Event Scores
Sarah Ewing - 10.00 - Prep Silver Vault
Austin Guin - 10.00 - Level 3 Vault
Grace Hester - 10.00 - Level 3 Vault (2 times!)
Team High All-Around Scores
Grace Hester - 39.150 - Level 3
Austin Guin - 39.000 - Level 3
Regional Vault Champion
Ambriya Hamilton - Prep Silver
The Pre-Team & Allison (level 3) made their competition
debut at the Ho Ho Meet in Corinth.
They were joined by level 3s: Austin, Grace & Addy
and level 8s: Morgan, Chamberlyn & Rachel.
Front: Julie, Emma, Allie, Bailey, Ellis, Olivia & Taylor
Back: Allison, Morgan, Austin, Chamberlyn, Grace,
Rachel, Addy & Kelsi